Wednesday, November 19, 2008

2000 Block S


St. Michaels Church

State Street/Susquehanna River

Dean Dome

State Street, Harrisburg 2

State Street, Harrisburg

Breslin Center 2

Breslin Center 1


Mini Bandos!

Send us your minis!

What is this blog all about? WTF is tilt-shifting?

Glad you asked!

Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or object is manipulated so that it looks like a photograph of a miniature scale model. By distorting the focus of the photo, the artist simulates the shallow depth of field normally encountered with macro lenses making the scene seem much smaller than it actually is. Many miniature faked photographs are taken from a high angle to further simulate the effect of looking down on a miniature. ~ Wikipedia

Basically, it's all about lies.

The purpose of this blog?

To share your tilt-shift miniature photos with us and the universe!

Please email your photos to

Annnnd go!